
Final exam Blog Post Section

Direction: 1.Choose two or more articles from the four Scoop It channels (links below)  I’ve set up that are related to a similar issue. Compare and contrast the various articles and state your own opinion on the matter. Your must provide support for your opinion based on the articles from the Scoop It channels and other materials you have found that are related. You will be expected to provide links back to the supporting articles. You also will need to include at least two excerpted quotes from any of the supporting materials you choose.

I would like to talk about malware sction from Scoop.
To discribe about malware I want to use two articles.
First article is Don’t fall for malware and scam deals this shopping season
Second article is 'Twilight' fans targeted in Facebook scam

The first article talks about on-line shopping. When we use on-line shopping, we have a risk to get malwares.Such as nowdays, many people buy manythings by internet.
Especially, after Thanks giving, many people start Christmas shoppong.
Actually those days many people do not go to shops to buy products because they use on-line shoppiong.On-line shopping is easy and sometimes cheaper than shops, so many people use those.
As many people know, to use on-line shopping, people need to use Credit cards.
But if that on-line shopping site have some malware or if your PC have malware, your credit card nunmber is stolen by criminal and you will loose a lot of money.
Sometimes, spam maile pretended to be a real Apple store and send  e-mail to say here is your I-tune card. Therefore ater the people open that e-mail, people's PC gets malware.
Whatever, what this article want to say is we need to be careful to use on-line shopping site.

Second article talks about when we look at or opne some favorite web-site, we have risk to get malware.The article mentions, some people are very interested to the movie of "Twilight" and they want to know and they want to play that moviess site, so they put the "Play now" button. However, that botton is a malware bottun and after they push the bottum, thier PC get the malware.
The criminals created a lot of way to spread malware for many people, so people need to be careful about which site they watch and which site and file they will be open.

Basically both sites talks about how on-line have risk to get malware.
The article "Don’t fall for malware and scam deals this shopping season" says
"You become a victim of online fraud and identity theft."
The article "'Twilight' fans targeted in Facebook scam"says that
 "The link leads to what looks like a Facebook page with a "play now" button that when clicked surreptitiously "likes" the link and spreads it on a visitor's Facebook account. "

According to those articles we need to be careful to use Internet.
Here is a interesting video that talks about instraction of Cellphone. In Japan many kids use cell phone and they use Internet daily by cell phone, but kids do not know about Internet rule, so they are easy to get Malware or access to negative impact sites. Sometimes it leads children's discrimination and sometimes it lead a crazy expensive amount.
 This video try to teach how to use Internet safty.

Basically Both articles talks about different categorize, but both article say "The malware is the reason to broken people's PC and it lead some crime"
Here is other video to descrive what Malware is

When I use on-line shopping, I use only trust web-sites such as Amazon.
Some people are afraid to put thier credit card number, so they use cash on delivery system.
I think If you feel uncomftable, you do not have to use credit card and if you are not comftable to use internet shopping, you do not have to use eaither.

Last week, I got a e-mail from my old friend. The e-mail title had my olf friends' name, but I learned about spam mail in this class, so I did not open that e-mail. I send message for my old friend and ask him "Did you send me e-mail because I got a e-mail that looks like spam mail?" and my friend send me back e-mail and said he did not send me e-mail for me.
After that I felt lit bit scary because if I did not learn about malware this class, I might opend that e-mail and my PC got a malware.
PC is not cheap products, so we do need to keep good condition as much as we can and want to use log time. Also, our private infromation is impossible to put prise, so we really need to be careful about malware and computer virouse.


colorize your world

Las ds106 assigment, I picked up visual assigments again.

This picture took when I went to guam trip.

After I changed color, it became very nice!

more information about this assigment

One Shot (Digital Storytelling Assignment)

This time I tried to make one shot picture.
This assigment also used Picasa

This picture original was

For more detail of this assignment: One Shot

Picture was took by me when I went to Guam

Greetings from DS106

Today I tried to ds106's Desighn assigment.
I am not good at make picture or art, but I tried hard to made it.
My friend Shinichiro told me how to make greeting card, so my way is almost same as Shinichiro.

I used Picasa this software is free and help me to make greeting card.

Here is my assigment.

All photos are used by mine or  taken from Flickr via CC licensing.
Me, the Bee, and the Sakura Tree by Josh Liba
Trees on the Slope in Nagano by buck82

For more detail of the assignment: Greetings From DS106

Weekly Bolog #5

Today I would like to talk about our life partner "Cell phone and Smart phone"

The article topic is " In mobile phone journalism, Africa is ahead of the west " .

Recently many people think Smart Phone is better than normal cell phone.
However, in Africa it is not true becuase in Africa many people use cell pnone for journalism.
As many people know, smart phone need app to use all system.
However, sometime this sytem cannot work well such as in Africa people do not need complex system.
Journalists just want to send thier infromation for others.
Such as

Smaprt phone have other negative point too that battery die very quicly than cell phone.
Therefore in Africa people use cell phone more than smart phone.

I think this cell phone or smart phone difference is realted to social differences.
In Africa journalists need to send thier new ASAP for all over the world.
There are several emegency newses in Africa, so Jounalists need to tell thier situation ASAP for all over the wrld.
On the other hand, in Japan or other developing countries are not many news which have to send ASAP for all over the world.

I can say Japanese or anyother countries which have a lot of smart phone users coutry want to have more interesting oppotunities and want to have useful products, so they use smart phone.

It might be when we see the countries cell phone type, we can gess that countries sociority .

Article was picked up by scoopit

Final Exam questions

Q. What kind of phone became popular in African journalists?
A. Mobile phone


Blog #4

Hello everyone!
Today I would like to talk about Malware.

Until resently I did not know about Malware.
Resently TV or internet news  talks about Malware, so I recognized how malware is.
Now, I am very worry about my Windows laptop beucase last 2 months I got strenge e-mails from my old friends.
Those e-mail does not have any title or contents. That e-mail has only URL.
I was wondering what is that, so I did not open those URL.
After read articles, I think start my friends' PC are occured by malwares.
Therefore he send me such a strenge e-mails.

My laptop have anti-virounse software, but I am not sure how much it can protect my lap top.
Does anyone know? how much anti-virous software can protect my laptop?

Just a weeks ago, I heread Smart phone have a risk to get malware too.
My smart phone does not have any anti-virous software, so I should get one ASAP.

According to Yuki's blog, I leraned Mac products do not have any risk to get malware!
I did not know that! It is very cool!!
However, I loke Windows products more than Mac.
Therefore Ireally need to protect my products!!

I found such as interesting CM about anti-virounse software!
I hope everyone's PC and smart phone are ok.

Technology help our life, but sometimes it makes our life difficult too!

Be careful everyone!!

To prevent Malware, what kind of activities the owner shoud?
1. Open all e-mails
2. Dwon load all app
3. Instrolle anti-malware soft

Answer is 3

Blog #3 Timboy

Today I would like to talk about this Webcite.

In discussion, Tim talks about everyone can be an artist!!
Therefore he created ds106 to give a lot of oppotunities to everyone can be artist.

At frist, When I hered Tim's idea that"everyne can be artist",
I was very confused beucase I am not good artist.
I can say I am terrible artist.
Since I was child, I could not do well in my art class,
so I believed Art is not my thiing.

However Tim said "when we feel uncormftable, we can create more".
I could feel this phrase created for me.
In fact, when I write ds106 assgment, I feel I am not comphtable, but my friends gave me many regard messages and it makes me very happy. Therefore, eventhough I am not good artist, I can keep trying to do mybest.
I think Tim gave us many power to start new action.

I want to say thank you for him.


Google map story

Today's ds106's assigment is Use google map to tell story.
Today I would like to introduce how to go to my old school from current school.


Goole map shows from current school to old school distance is 12950Km (8000mile)
I choose to go to my old school by walk.
At that time Goole map showed very interesting direction!
Can you gess How Google map tell me to cross ocean!!???

Answer is using Kayaking to cross the Pacific Ocean.

(Sorry it has only Japanese language directions, but the read font mention section I need to use kayaking to cross Pacific Ocean)

It is very funny to use google map to find direction beucase I had only a idea that go to US by air plein or ship. I think nobody think going to US by kayaking!!

I believe Google map tell you new way to go to your end of your journey.
Here is the assigment description


Degital Story Telling "Writing"

Make Haiku
Today's ds106's assigment is making Haiku.
As many people know, Haiku is one kind of Japanese traditional poem.
Haiku have very deep system, but it can work for only Japanese language, so this Haiku will be litbit different style from Japanese language Haiku. However, it does not matter!! :)
Today I want to write about my kitty's feeling!
central focus
central focus by Nanami Komiyama

"If you see my face
I'm sure you want to say cute
I love to hear that"

The description of this assignment


Audio story

Hello everyone.
I hope everyone have good time now.

Today I found a person who have beautiful voice.
Her voice is making me very happy.
I think everyone have favoirite singer.
Here is my favorite singer's music!

Anyway, to listening music,
What do you need .....???

Ofcorse, You need to have music player.

Today I would like to explain how music player changed.

1. 1960's phonograph
record player

Image: record player by JaciXIII through Criative Commons

2. 1970's Cassette tape deck
cassette player

Image: cassetto by eo was taken through Criative Commons

3. 1980's CD Player

CD player

Image: CD Player by Kerb 汪's  through Criative Commons

4. 2000's Degital Music Players

GRADOSR60+i pod  享受

Image: i-Pod by lovesx-70's through Criative Commons

As you can see, our music environment changed a lot.
That means when we get new product, we have to rememver how to use that product from zero.
Many recent degital music players are very difficult to use.
However, nowdays we have frineds who help us all over the world.
Here is a Youtube video that describe how to use i-Pod.

Tanks to this video, we are easy to understnad new technology's direction.

More deetail chack for this Blog.
(I am sorry I did not have enogh time to write more detail, so my blog is very poor content)

I hope you enjoyed my blog.
Thank you for reading.

Thanks to new technology we can listening to nice sound music now.


How company uses social network?

Nowdyas, when you want to go to somewhere, what do you do at first?
Do you just go to the sightseeing spot!!??
Answer is very simple NO!

I am sure recently before you go out you always check the web-cite!
Today I am going to introduce about how company use social networks to atract costomers?

OK. Let's make next vacation plan!
Today, my friend Micky mouse and Minney mouse help me to describe details!

Mickey! ! Listen!!
Donald Duck told me
Disney Land is fun place!
So I want to go there!!
However, I have no idea about Disney Land!!
What should I do!!??

   Haha! Minie Mouse! You know,
           Nowdays We can use Facebook to
            surch what is Disney Land!!!
         Let's check at Disney Land Facebook site!

As you can see on Face Book, there are many informations.
Many comments are wrote by DisneyLand company, but many funs or customers can write thier own ideas, so you can get new imformation and other customers feedback very easily.

Sometimes company put thier new survies or infromation.
Thats means company uses thier Facebook acunts as thier advertisements.

If ompany uses official Facebook aount to promote thier new products, they do not have to pay a lot of amount of money.
Also Only prople who like or intersted in Disney look at their Facebook Page, so company and customers both have oppotunities to use Facebook.

facebook is very smart too beucase depends on the personal imformation, Facebook changed thier advertisements. I mean when you look at right side of Face book there are some companies' advaertisements. 

Next step is how company use Twitter accounts.
Again, Micky moue and Minnie mouse help us how to company uses Twitter accounts.

OK, Micky mouse we are ready to go to
 Disny Land, so let's go!!

Haha! Wait! Minnie mouse! We need to check the tarin survice!
You know Japanese trains often stop survice, so we should check it! 

Nice idea! Micky! I know how to do that!
That is useing Twitter!!

Nowdays you can check tranportation service by twitter too.
Many company have their web-site, but twitter is easy to up new infromation, so sometimes Twitter imformation is speedy than officaial cite!
Getting imformation is good for customers also company too.
Beucase if people give new infromation ASAP, they do be panic!

Also Twitter is easy to get peoples' feed back. For example if I typed New Pizza place for sarch, I can get many New Pizza place infromation very quickyly.
Recently many restrants have official twitter acounts and tell thier customers about their discount time and new menu information.
Last 10 years are only way to tell new imformation was only book or news papers, but recently it changed a lot.

article talks about how Internet changed companys style.

There are some movie too!!


Facebook and Twitter cannot rid of our life time!

It is one of importnat sorces to run company now!


The first Blog!

Hello everyone! Thank you for looking for my Blog.
It is first time for me to write bolog, so I am not sure my writing style is OK or not.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy my first Blog.

Today I would like to talk about my own Internet experiences.
As many my friends know, I grew up in country side of Japan called Nagano.
Nagano is very small city, so as you can imagine, our neiborfood technology grew up very slowly.

However, I was very lucky girl beucase my dad loves new technology.
See this picture!!

 This is my parents house's TV.
See! There are bunch of DVD recorders, speakers and codes stuff.
Actually I have no idea about thoese.
My dad are crazy about new things, soI can say eventhough
I lived in coutry side Japan, my house got Internet earlyer than anyother neiborfood.
My house situation proof that  Internet do not matter where people live!!!
Isn't it cool!!???

But when I start using Internet, our brovider was very very slow.
See this article! (From our class)
As you can see from this article you can understand how Internet develoed and how it is needed for our sociality now.

Please tell me your previous Internet experiences!!
Thank you for reading.
Have a wonderful day!

Nanami Komiyama