
Audio story

Hello everyone.
I hope everyone have good time now.

Today I found a person who have beautiful voice.
Her voice is making me very happy.
I think everyone have favoirite singer.
Here is my favorite singer's music!

Anyway, to listening music,
What do you need .....???

Ofcorse, You need to have music player.

Today I would like to explain how music player changed.

1. 1960's phonograph
record player

Image: record player by JaciXIII through Criative Commons

2. 1970's Cassette tape deck
cassette player

Image: cassetto by eo was taken through Criative Commons

3. 1980's CD Player

CD player

Image: CD Player by Kerb 汪's  through Criative Commons

4. 2000's Degital Music Players

GRADOSR60+i pod  享受

Image: i-Pod by lovesx-70's through Criative Commons

As you can see, our music environment changed a lot.
That means when we get new product, we have to rememver how to use that product from zero.
Many recent degital music players are very difficult to use.
However, nowdays we have frineds who help us all over the world.
Here is a Youtube video that describe how to use i-Pod.

Tanks to this video, we are easy to understnad new technology's direction.

More deetail chack for this Blog.
(I am sorry I did not have enogh time to write more detail, so my blog is very poor content)

I hope you enjoyed my blog.
Thank you for reading.

Thanks to new technology we can listening to nice sound music now.

1 件のコメント:

  1. Please don't apologize for your blog post. You clearly worked hard on this.

    You did an excellent job of telling a historical story in digital form. That is not easy to do. Your use of images is very well done. I think you should be pleased with your accomplishment - I certainly am.

    Looking at the evolution from phonograph through to mp3 players, I wonder what will come next. Do you have any predictions.
